A Perfect Cone and a Perfect Father.

Today I worked from 2 to close. It's important to know that I work at Dairy Queen; and most days., I love it. I also have a different job but that isn't important right now. I worked with Tiff today who is currently one of my favorite people. Not to be boastful, but we are both pretty excellent at making blizzards very quickly and achieving the perfect curl on the DQ cone that we are told our customers desire. We've been working together for five summers so it's natural that we'd be a family by now. Anyways. Today we worked with a bunch of newbies who can't seem to figure out that on a hot day, cones will melt if you make them too early. And it got frustrating. But we got through it. There was an old couple who came through the drive thru wearing matching purple polos. I thought of my friend Stephanie because she is always the first one to point things like that out., and laugh hysterically. Needless to say, even though my feet are killing me, many laughs were had tonight and money was also made along with the fun.

On another note that has little to do with my day, I've come to the conclusion that my dad is my favorite person in the entire world. It's really not a competition at all. People say I have his blue eyes and his bright smile., both of which I'm glad to take. But other than his looks, people say we act pretty much the same, which is the biggest compliment anyone could ever give me. When I was little and I'd stub my toe, he'd say,"Well at least you've still got a toe!". That's where I get my positive outlook on life. He tries to see good in everyone and he works hard to get to every place he's ever gotten. I admire him more than anything and I'm so proud to be his daughter.

  • Today at work I was going crazy because I couldn't brush my teeth. I brush my teeth maybe 5 times a day because I just love the feeling of clean teeth. Don't worry, it's not an OCD thing or anything.
  • I'm about to go finish writing a letter to my favorite Nikweeta. She means a big part of the world to me. I've grown super close to her through my past year of school and we are going to be roomies which will be the best time of my life! We enjoy walking, smiling, laughing, drinking coffee (with caramel or peppermint mocha), dancing, watching hulu, and pretty much anything you could think of for friends to do together.
  • Listening to music is one of my favorite things.
  • Lastly, my adventures that are starting this week are 1. committing to eating healthy., not just excercising. and. 2. daily devos. because it's all about God anyways.


  1. Are you sure brushing your teeth isnt OCD, haha. plus, your dad sounds like a great person :)


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