Beautiful Ruins.

Today for part of our mission adventure we started to help fix up the 'ruins' of a place. The last cleaning schedule on the bathroom was from 2007, so I suppose you could say it's been a while since some upkeep has occurred. It was an assisted living place and now it's getting made into a place where women from abused homes can go. There's going to be cops there too in case husbands try to come. I think it's a wonderful thing to give these women a place to go because really, what is there to do in a situation like that? All I can say is that I'm glad I've been so blessed with the life I have been given.
In other news I'm finally done complaining about packing. That's because I'm almost done. Crunch time is/was today since tomorrow I'll be on the road. I've got about.... 1/7th of the trailer packed so in my mind, that's progress. Tonight is a wonderful night of Jennaswan and Carly Love so I'm greatly looking forward to all the giggles and hugs that will be shared.
I have no random facts today because my fact book is already packed away. In fact. It may be at least a whole week until we hear from that great book.
I am thankful for Jennaswan and Carly.
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