Peppe Luv.

Warning. This is a Debbie Downer post.

Dear Peppe Luv,
You were the greatest dog I ever could have wished for.  I remember when we got you when I was in first grade and I told Ms. Scheckleman that I had a new brother and she thought that mom had a baby.  That was funny.  I remember how you used to help me sing "Go Jonny Go".  I'd sing and lean you back on the two drum beats and you'd growl.  You hated me for that but, we sounded pretty great together.  I remember how we'd celebrate our birthdays together every year because yours was leap day and mine was March 1st.  You looked real cute in those birthday hats.  I remember how I'd dress you up in clothes.  You didn't like that much either, but you got used to it.  My favorite was the jean vest and the bottle of Mendota Springs. 
But most importantly, I remember how you loved me.  How excited you got for me to take you on walks, how you greeted me everytime I came home, and how you would comfort me when I would cry.  You always knew. 
Thanks for giving me 16 years of love.  And thanks for not letting me see you get too weak.  You knew I couldn't handle it.  I can't say I was ready for you to go., of course.. I never would be. 
Gosh I miss you. 
Love you, Peps.


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