Sentimental/Freak-out Mode.

So.  I'm graduating in 25 days.  And that's crazy.  Not only is it crazy, but it's sending me into sentimental/freak-out mode.  I've been here for 4 years.  I've put a lot of work into my education.  I've put a lot of love into my relationships.  Here's where sentimental mode comes in.  4 years makes a lot of memories.  I've been replaying them all in my head lately.  My first and second year here were spent mostly with people who I don't really keep in touch with.  But I sure made some awesome memories.  That seems so incredibly long ago.  I've grown so much.  But.  That's a conversation; not a blog post.  Anyways.  My third and fourth year (this one) have been spent with people that I hope to be 'around' for a while.  So.  I could name a bunch of memories.  But they probably wouldn't make sense, and it'd make me more sentimental.

There's also freak-out mode along with this graduation thing. And most days., I'm all good.  Graduation is a good thing.  It's an accomplishment.  But it's not a ticket to whatever I want to do.  It's more like a few punches on a punch card.  And once I get to 10 then I get a free coffee.  So I'm kind of there.  But now comes more.  There's definite searching to do and experience to gain.  And several of my peers are several steps ahead of me.  They've applied to millions of jobs.  Not
 literal 'millions' but.. you catch my drift.  But honestly, I've got so much that happens on a day to day basis that has to be prioritized.. so.. I'm trying not to beat myself up too much about it.  But yes., I'm freaking out a little bit in the back of my head.  Because out of all my friends, I feel like I'm the only one on my specific 'track'.  So.  A tiny bit alone.  A tiny bit afraid.  But not too worried.  I've got people who love me a whole bunch.


  1. You're going to be amazing at whatever you do. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you. There is a reason I want to call the leadership conference to Love is to Lead and its because I honestly thinking in order to lead you must love.. a lot. And you have it down to a T. You got this. Hands down.


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