Little Boxes On The Hillside.

On another note, I don't understand how people can't see that smoking is bad. I'm sorry if anyone takes offense to that, but I just don't see the joy in ruining lungs and polluting the air. I went for a jog this morning, and I could hardly breathe. And sure, part of it is due to my out-of-shapeness. But most of the credit goes to all of the people I passed that were smoking. It's just gross. But I guess, to each his own.
- Children are born with 300 bones but adults only have 260. Some fuse together. Weird.
- I have to take my ipod and laptop into Best Buy today. My best wish would be that they give me a new of each, because I've had so much trouble with both of them and I have warranties, so that's what I deserve right? But I'm expecting the worst, because everyone is cheap these days. Probably even the wonderful Best Buy.
- One month until I go back to Illinois!
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