You Are 35% Daffodil.

Today I woke up to a crying baby and a barking dog. Not everybody's first choice at 7 am, I'm sure. Ava sure was whiny today. But she's still precious.
On the brighter side of things, Stephanie is finally here. And it's wonderful. I love her to death. There's not many people I love to laugh that much with, and no one else I can jam with Justin Beiber to and have that much fun with. Last night we tried to watch New Moon. She was successful. I was semi-successful. She decided that she's never seen me watch a whole movie in the entire time she's known me, which is probably true., I have a hard time with that. We also both decided that if we were boys, we'd probably only grow a beard if we looked like David Beckham. But if we looked like our guy friends, then, probably not.
Today, we went to Barnes and Noble. I bought 'You Are One-Third Daffodil'. It's a book with a bunch of fun facts. 35% of our DNA is the same as daffodils, hence the title. I love it. I also bought 'Captivating' which I am going to start digging into for my Bible study for the girls in my house next year. Something happened and we laughed really hard, but we can't remember what it was about. I think that happened a lot actually. Then we drove home and jammed to Justin Beiber. I mean jammed. Full out. I. Love. Steph. We also read this book about birthdays and what it means when your born on certain days. Not really real, but fun none the less. Then, Calvin came over and watched basketball with us. It was a grand old time. We talked about the black Rocky of China and getting married and moving to California. Not many people have that much fun I'm sure.
- Steph and I are gonna go get popsicles.
- Most toilets flush in E-flat. Weird.
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