Malachi 3:6.

So I found this really weird video on youtube. And the song is actually quite catchy.. but I'm not too sure about the video. Little wild strawberries and crazy kids dancing in ghost suits? Anyways... it's worth a watch.

I know all I do is constantly complain about packing these days, but I'm going to do it again. I hate packing. If I could skip ahead about 2 weeks and just be all settled in and unpacked, I'd be totally okay with that. But there's this whole process of "Do I need this? Where should I put it? Will I use it?" with pretty much everything I
own. But since I am not a fan of complaining, I am going to try and stop that.

Yesterday was a blast. I got to see quite a bit of my friends. 7 of them to be exact. Plus my dad. He counts. So 8. And Carly and Jennaswan and I watched a bunch of Andy Samberg videos. And how can you beat that? Not easily. Maybe Saturday night we will when we watch Hot Rod. Wait. That has Andy Samberg too. Guess you can't beat him. Anyways. We played with Jennaswans Talking Tom kitty cat app on her ipod which is pretty amazing. It heightens your voice and makes everything sound 12 times cuter.

Next on the agenda today is a run in my yellow magic Nikes with iJango. It feels like it'll be a good one today. Then a shower and some power packing. Then tonight we have a mission thing at 4. We're gonna serve a meal and then sleepover at church. Mixed with miscellaneous projects like pulling weeds and whatnot. Always a good time.
  • I am reunited again with The Absense album by Paper Route. I lost them in the Great Loss and decided to buy them on itunes because I just missed them. And I'm listening to them right now. Wonderful.
  • Funny short story: I can't move in my house right away because they're putting in a sprinkler system. So I called Rachel to ask her if I could live with her until that whole system is a go. Then she says that she was gonna call me to see if she could live with me because there is a summer camp in her house. So. That will be a fun thing to figure out.
  • My God is so GREAT so strong and so mighty. There's nothing my God cannot do :)


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